
原生時尚秀Pretty Or Die 工作室作品說明

Introduction to the Exhibition by the "Pretty Or Die" Studio

呂韋鋒與鄭文倚創立的Pretty Or Die工作室,曾為2008世界小姐台灣代表林潔明設計禮服,也曾擔任ShowHouse秀屋國際經紀傳播以及豬哥亮「萬秀之王」豪華歌舞秀中的服裝設計師。向來以敏銳的時尚感和深度的人文風,展現女人華麗的性感與內斂的知性。今年,在台北花博流行館‧環生方舟所展出的一系列六項作品,呼應著此次博覽會中,人與環境共生共存的關懷,也呈現了Pretty Or Die工作室相信女人的美麗乃是幻化生成於大自然的信念。



The "Pretty Or Die" Studio, established by Wei-feng Lu and Wen-yi Cheng, has made its name known for its principal designers' skills of combining their keen sensitivity of fashion and profound concern of human values. This series of six pieces, currently exhibited at the Taipei International Flora Exposition, is an expression of the studio's firm conviction that the beauty of women embodies the gorgeousness and generosity of nature. Therefore, the materials are selected from a wide variety of plants or parts of plants such as leaf vein, bamboo leaf, loofah, reed, cotton shell, sorghum, etc.








The first design, using loofah web and reeds to convey the sense of blossoming garden, reflects the purity and delight of early spring.




The second and third designs are about to recall the comfortable summer. In the second piece, bamboo leaves are tightly woven into a mini dress to highlight women's tenderness and gentleness.


Theleaf vein are used for the third piece. Layered with spiral leaf veins, it imitates a lily pond in the pleasant summer breezes.









The fourth, fifth, and sixth designs collectively express the joy of harvest in autumn.

The romantic feelings emerge from the touch of the texture of fine laces. The same feelings are extended by the skirt made of hemps and spikes of rice .

Whoever wears this mini dress, made of loofah webs and sorghums stems, will look like a fairy of crispy autumn wind.





Dyed in claret red, loofah webs are used in the sixth design to make different sizes of flowers. With the beach-wool-liked skirt, the whole piece glorifies a good harvest that will get humans through the harshness of winter.




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